
Hey there, I'm Back!

Picture and inspiration via Design*Sponge

So, it was a busy busy summer, full of studying, cleaning, trips, and dentist visits. Yup! all summer long! I'm almost happy it's over (well summer school at least that is, because the weather is still in the 100s here in Texas!), even though that only means more studying it's on it's way. ahhh! What have you guys been up to this couple of weeks/days? Any fun adventures?

I've been dreaming of filling my space with lots of flowers, and pretty vases, to give it a more fresh look. Every time I see pretty flowers I want to buy them all and give them a new home in my place ha!  And flowers just make me oh so happy!, so here I found a neat way to add uniqueness to those vases. Check it out: HERE. I hope you're having a great week!